"What's God doing?" This is a question that many of us ask ourselves from time to time. Whether we'll admit to it, deny it, or even subconsciously think it, it's crossed our minds. During the rough patches of our lives, it's easy to ask questions like this. "Why, God?" "Why are you allowing this to happen?" "Where are you?" "Are you even listening to me?" As much as I would love to say I've maintained a faithful attitude 100% of the time, I've asked myself these questions before. Sometimes, life just doesn't seem fair. Bad things happen to good people, lives of amazing elders are taken, and pain inflicts itself upon the strongest of men. At times, we (including myself) are pushed to a limit, where we cry out, "Are you even here God?" This is a dangerous place to be, however. Recently it seems like terrible things have happened to wonderful people. From death and car accidents, to financial strain and job losses...the question of why does God allow this to happen, always arises. They say when it rains, it pours, and and I know for me, that's the way it's been. One thing after another, week after week...negativity has really gotten to me. I've found myself asking for just one break, one week without troubles, one stretch of time when I could be at peace. You see, we are all looking for peace, it's just something we crave. Whether it be peace in relationships, peace with a recent loss, or peace with ourselves. This crazy, broken world however, can't give that to us. We search and search for it via money, perfect looks, or possessions. Let me ask you something, how has that worked out for you? I can tell you how it's gone for me; I've come back empty handed, absolutely zip, nada. I figured that if I only had this amount of money, weighed this much, drove that car, or had the perfect relationship, that dealing with my life problems would be easy as 1-2-3. Well, LOL at me for thinking such nonsense. Sheila Walsh said "Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ." Living on this Earth will always give us trouble, that's just fact of inhabiting a fallen world. Living with Christ on the other hand, will always offer us peace. Our God isn't one to force anything upon on, we have free will to believe what we want. He is however, always there for us, waiting with his out-stretched arm. He offers us the greatest of gifts: unconditional love, total peace, and great comfort. Always. Just this week, I attended a memorial service for my boyfriend's grandpa. It was absolutely amazing to see his friends and relatives demonstrate an attitude of hope and also peace. While yes, tears were shed and sadness was felt, the assurance of him being in heaven now, overwhelmed that. In the eyes of his wife, you could see peacefulness, knowing that her husband is waiting for her, in renewed health, with Jesus. Just a week prior, I was watching some ridiculous late night show. A young lady was talking about how she had lost her dad and that the fact that she would never see him again was really hard for her to deal with. The sadness and despair in her demeanor was heartbreaking. This my friends is a real life example of the quote mentioned above. In both these situations, a life was lost. In both these situations, sadness was felt. In both these situations, tears flowed. The difference however? Christ, C-H-R-I-S-T. It's not that we won't encounter troubles, it's just who we turn to in the midst of them. No God, no peace----> KNOW God, KNOW peace. It's that simple. God is always here, even when he seems silent. My man Garth Brooks sings 'Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs, that just he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care, some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.' The Lord will never leave you, never forsake you, that's a guaranteed promise. It may seem like the struggles of life are piling up and that He just doesn't care, however, that is the never, ever the case. Sure, you may get stressed, and sure, some things may be painful...but be be ASSURED he is right there beside you, guiding your life in the direction of his perfect will.
My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need. James :2-4
Just read this to Dad - great words! Your writing is a gift!