Saturday, February 12, 2011

Got Miracles?

Well, wow, today was AH-MAY-ZING! I have been struggling for months and months with this illness with little to no progress. About a week ago, we received the answer to all this; which was a huge answer to prayer of course. My doctor delivered some tough news to me however. He said this was a life altering problem, a long long road to recovery. He went on to inform me that all my usual activities such as riding horses or driving, would be off limits for quite a long time. Due to the extremely slow rate of nerve regrowth, I wouldn't be able to walk normally for one to two years. This news smacked me square in the face. Wow, I was facing some tough odds. I knew that the diagnosis was according to God's plan, and that in itself gave me great peace. I was set on trusting Him and changing up the statistics. Before this diagnosis came to be, I had traveled to a healing room where some church elders prayed over me. God really spoke to me then, more clearly than ever. He basically told me that this was going to be a long process, no quick fixes, but regardless of that, He would deliver me. From that point on I knew that the best thing I could do was trust Him with everything I had: the pain, the hurt, and the frustration. A lot of thinking went on throughout this whole process. I knew I was set on beating the odds, but in my mind, beating them seemed more like 6 months from now...which would still be remarkable. This past week was filled with a lot of hurt. The so called 'winning ticket' medicine was not kicking in, and walking became significantly harder. I was doing everything I could to keep my chin up and trust Him, yet still frustrated. At one point I was awake in the middle of the night, in major pain, tears flowing, and crying out to God to just do a miracle in this situation. Little did I know that that miracle I was so desperate for was so close. Because I have no feeling from about the knees down, we haD been exploring types of massage to help with circulation. I decided getting a relaxing pedicure would do the trick quite well. I was with my dad at the time, just pulling into the nail salon parking lot. My dad opened the car door, and as per usual, went to get me zebra print walker. I opened my door fully expecting to use the walker to help me stand up. All of the sudden I felt really brave...confident in my God, and confident in my strength. I stood up proudly, slightly wobbling on the curb. I took a step, not knowing where my feet were due to the lack of feeling. I proceeded to take another, then another, and soon enough I was walking on my own. My dad stood back, stunned that after weeks of no walking, I was actually doing it. I strolled into the nail place absolutely amazed with what I was doing. I had no idea where my feet were going, but somehow my brain was telling my legs how to do it. This was the most surreal feeling I had ever experienced. I was doing something that was legitimately impossible, medically unfeasible. When I say 'I was doing it', I really mean God was working in me, giving me the power to do such an insurmountable act. At that moment, filled with the vigor of Christ, I was in pure amazement. This wasn't supposed to happen, I wasn't supposed to be walking...but God, my God, creator of everything, reached down and worked a miracle in me. This was a pure and simple act of Christ. Nothing could, or can, dispute this. Reflecting back onto today's remarkable progress, I find myself overwhelmed with tears of joy. To travel on such a long journey, not making much progress for weeks on end really took its toll on my body. I say this because my body is only a worldly thing. What really matters is my faith...and let me tell you, this has not taken its tax on that. It's actually done the complete opposite, turned a 180 degree turn. My life has been forever changed, and not in the way the doctors had predicted. I know I am not out of the woods yet, there are still things to be dealt with, but this is life and things are never perfect. I know that my God is perfect however and His perfect plans are with me every step of the way. I have always believed in miracles even without witnessing first hand accounts. But today, I stand here in the power of Christ, saying whole heartedly that God works miracles in strange ways and definitely not according to our time frame. I am still in total awe that I can walk, and I know that it's only because God's power and His people praying. Matthew 19:26 says, Jesus looked at them and said, “For people this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”
I've said it before, but this time it has an even deeper meaning...TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!!! How awesome Kaelee. I am so happy for you and your family. And, yes, to GOD BE ALL THE GLORY, FOREVER AND EVER, AMEN! I want you to know how inspired I get when reading your blogs. For someone so young to have such a conviction in Christ is truly heart warming. I hope and pray that others will become believers in Christ Our Lord because of the work you are doing through HIM. HIS light is definetly shining through you. That is my daily prayer for myself, that Christ will use me as a light for others to see. You are truly a remarkable young woman, I know I say that just about everytime I comment, but you are!!
