Wednesday, February 23, 2011

God's plans: His timing, His design, His will

So this time last year, I was a junior in high school, looking into colleges, making 'my' plan for the future. I had decided I wanted to go to a small Christian school, major in criminal justice, and be closer to home. You see, at the time, I thought the only way I could further my walk with Christ and stay strong while in college was to go to a school like the one I mentioned above. I had always wanted to go to a prominent state school, but figured I'd have to forgo that because lack of 'structure' there. For the next few months I searched and searched for Christian schools that had my chosen major, a much harder task than you would imagine. I finally found one that hit most of the checks on my list. From that point on till the end of the summer I was gung-ho on pursuing 'my' plan. I had it all figured out in my mind. It seemed perfect, absolutely ideal. The way I figured it was that attending a school like this would ensure "spiritual success." I would be surrounded by people that shared the same views in faith as I, and thus I wouldn't have so much pressure for typical college behavior. Now before I continue, I'd like to make it clear that I fully support Christian schools and see so so so much value in them, it's just this story is about God's plan for me...which at the time I didn't believe it excluded an AG school. Anyway, as this story unfolds, I expanded my views that summer. I hung out with a fine young man and we proceeded to talk about college. I had shared my plan, a seemingly solid one, and he of course thought it was a good one. He talked about his college and also some other 4 year universities. I left that 'date' with the same college plan, but decided to explore some other schools just for the fun of it. I once again found a Christian school that seemed awesome! I couldn't believe I had discovered another college that fit my precise expectations. These so called expectations seemed perfect on the surface, but to be honest, I was struggling with accepting this plan. It seems rather dumb for me to have doubts about such fantastic choices...but I did. I knew this type of college would help considerably with keeping my faith strengthened, but I kept asking myself, "Where is the challenge? How can I reach the untouchable students who have gotten caught up in the college scene?" God kept drawing my attention back to those thoughts. Honestly, I denied that 'calling.' I instead kept trying to convince myself that my plan would be a sure fire success. Of course the Lord didn't cram this down my throat, instead He allowed me to freely decide. I had one totally mind changing experience during this course of time. My parents and I visited two state schools with very contrasting sizes. I enjoyed touring both, but the smaller one had a much better feel. That Sunday we visited a church in town, one that my mom had found online. This church, you see, was the congregation that Chi Alpha attended. Chi Alpha is a campus ministry outreach program that is doing wonders throughout universities. I had been in contact with the leaders of this group earlier that month and had grown a huge interest in pursing my participation in the ministry. We were welcomed very warmly into this modern looking church building, a great way to start off a Sunday morning. My mom went down stairs to their fellowship hall before the service started and had apparently ran into Chi Alpha's leaders. She then proceeded to send them upstairs to meet with me. Little did I know this was the couple I had been communicating with previously. They were both awesome to chat with. One of the leaders shared the story of how she was convinced she needed to go to a Christian school, just like me, but was lead to an opened up point of view. She had visited a state school in which she loved, one that met all her qualifications. While meeting with a music professor, he sensed her apprehension. He asked her what was holding her back from attending this school. She told Him her dilemma with it not being Christian based. Now this is where my whole train of thought changed! She told me exactly how he answered her problem. He said, "If Christians only went to Christian schools, then who would be at state schools to witness to the others?' Wow. I could not believe my ears. This was exactly how I was feeling, the concept God kept trying to reveal to me. I seriously felt a sense of all of the sudden I knew what plan I needed to pursue, the one God was calling me on. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders as I heard testimony from  a great woman of Christ and simply decided to follow God's plan. The feeling was surreal. I felt like I actually KNEW what I was doing, not that I was crazy for passing up that other 'perfect' plan. I know that choosing to attend a state school would open up all kinds of doors, both good and bad. Temptations yet opportunities, dangers but a chance to make a difference...THIS is the plan I know I should be on. I spent so long finding that absolutely perfect, people pleasing plan, when in reality, God had a completely different one set out for me. I just keep thinking, if simply choosing to follow the Lord's plan gives me this much peace, then how much joy am I in-store for once I actually can fulfill it. If you're doubting God's plan for you, or a calling you're not sure about, remember this: "I say this because I know what I am planning for you," says the Lord. "I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future." Jeremiah 29:11

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